Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Little Review Magazine

The Little Review
The Little Review is another wonderful literary magazine publishing some of the most important works of our time. It was founded by Margaret Anderson in March 1914 and is still going strong. To me, the magazine is publishing much more avant-garde works than any other literary magazine of the time and I think a lot of the works they’re publishing will be, as Pound says, “permanent.” From what I hear, Ezra Pound is highly interested in editing the magazine and has publicly claimed, “The Little Review is perhaps temperamentally closer to what I want done”. Well, its September 1916 issue, which protested the lack of acceptable material it received and what they thought was being published in other magazines, left most of its pages blank and put the motto "Making No Compromise with the Public Taste" as its title that month. The magazine even had many articles promoting anarchy in one of the early issues this year. Needless to say, this magazine pushes the boundaries of literary publication and is not only paving the way for new art forms to arise rather than publishers continuing to publish the same type of writers who just copy off the old writers who did better what the writers today are copying, but also, most importantly, has been the most entertaining (probably because it’s audacity in publishing) to me this year.

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